Friday, July 18, 2008

Audio Books?

I found these amazing cd albums and I've been thinking about them ever since.

Even though most of my massive music collection is digital, I still have hundreds of cds that are currently stuffed into two cd books (hidden) and stacked on a rack (also hidden, they're ugly). Unfortunately, these beautiful books aren't worth it at all. They're $22 and only hold 12 cds. 

I have been trying to brainstorm about how to store my music. There were some suggestions on the comments section of the site I pulled this from. I've thought about going the digital route and buying an external hard drive to put all my music on cds and mp3s, but I'm still undecided. I also have some ideas on trying to create something like this. I just can't feel comfortable completely getting rid of my cds even if they're all imported. How do you store your music? Have you gone cd-less?


Unknown said...

Hey I would go ahead and rip all your CD's, put them in storage, like a closet where they are out of the way, and then use the mp3's as needed. Keep the orginals or you'll end up like me with a good chunk of your music missing when a hard drive goes bad... On the plus side, the mp3's are much more user friendly, and you can always burn a cd as needed (never leave the orginial in the car...)

Ju said...

we have an external hard drive for things like this, and they are nice!! We still have all our cd's, but I don't know how much longer I can handle them just sitting around. They just take up space and I don't like that.

Kelly said...

Brittany I am sitting here at work laughing out loud at your car accident post. That is sooo funny! thanks for your guys help last night, you guys are the best!

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