Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Tyler's graduation brought me home to an Arkansas summer for the first time in about 2 years. I loved every minute of it. We spent late nights outside, I made a million paper airlines with Jonathan, hung out with my cat, got family pictures taken, and held a jumping contest on the trampoline. I still think I wasn't given a fair chance when Jonathan said I lost before I even started. :) Even though it was just a short weekend it was great to see Erica before she disappeared to Mexico for the summer and spend more time with Tyler before he leaves on his mission in August. Enjoy some pics!


Ju said...

Your family is so fun!! I want to have a vacation to Arkansas in the summer!! Fun Fun. I just love your pictures... they always make me laugh

mickelle said...

did you seriously have to post that picture? and you know which one i'm talking about.

Britt said...

oh i knew you'd love that.

Kimberly said...

It is true, your family is so fun. I'll never forget being able to visit your fun fam when I went back east with Trac. What a fun summer. I'm glad you were able to have that opportunity to be with your family. How fun :)

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