Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I Confess...

I originally started playing World of Warcraft on a 10-day trial to see what I thought of it. I had definitely had previous exposure to the game as some of my friends play. When I first met them I didn't know how far the friendship would go based on this fact alone. (Guys I jest, I jest... kind of.) As I started playing I had a lot of mixed feelings, slowly though I was won over. Maybe it was finding my first online WoW friend, or maybe it was when my character reached a high enough level to get its cat form. Whatever the special moment, I'm now Elishiwaki a level 31 Tauren Druid. What has happened to me?

P.S. For your benefit there are safe levels of playing that should be followed. This last week I reached gaming overload. Symptoms included dreams of questing, staying up til 5 am playing, and getting excited over a guild promotion. I promptly took care of it though and am at safe level once again. :p

1 comment:

Ju said...

Ha... that cracks me up. Things like that happen to me all the time... "you do what? that sounds retarded"... and then a few days later... i'm like hey this is kinda cool!! Ha.

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