Friday, August 28, 2009

I Jumped Off The Bandwagon

I made it to 8 o'clock yesterday night.

I actually wasn't even feeling that bad compared to earlier in the day. Then the part that's kind of hard to explain because it's kind of personal I suppose...

I got to thinking. Thinking about my life in general. Thinking and thinking. Then, as far as this goes, I realized that the way I was going with this cleanse right now wasn't doing myself any favors. Yes, it's not easy, but I was making it all the harder for myself because I'm not in a position to do it correctly. I can't go until 6 or 7pm everyday without eating a meal.

I went to McDonald's and got an ice cream cone. That was it for the night, no bingeing on carbs or anything. At this point, I've decided to work on eating 3 healthy meals a day. For those of you who got this "eating" thing down long ago - kudos. As for me, I'll revisit the cleanse once I've mastered that. :p

Feel free to stone me for quitting.
Also, as for all that other thinking that I did... It led to me running out the door with Jules and Mickelle to see 500 Days of Summer, finally. I loved it!

1 comment:

mickelle said...

hahha, you didn't tell me you quit. now you can have some zucchini bread! yay

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