Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Have I Gone Brain-Missing?

Oh hello little blog! I have come here today to tell you about a crazy venture I have just undertaken and it's called the hyperinsulinemenia and detoxification diet or as I like to call it, the cleanse.

I know, I know.

So let's get over the fact that I'm doing it and just talk about it.

This diet is based on the glycemic index - you eat foods that are lower on the glycemic index and your blood sugar and insulin levels stay more stable with helps maintain a healthy weight, stop sugar cravings and prevents diabetes. Or so it claims. We'll see who has diabetes in the end. jk..... Anyways, it's not about weight loss so much as nutrition. It's timeline - forever. We'll see how it goes though.

I've decided to keep track of how I'm feeling while I'm doing this. Who am I kidding, I'm going to complain about all the food I miss. Oh those cheeseburgers!


Apron Appeal said...

The Diabetic Diet is a good read if you are serious. You'll learn that the Glycemic index may not be all you think it is (it doesn't cut enough carbs)

I've maintained my weight for 1 year with a low carb diet. but be careful, if you fall off the wagon, the carb addiction you may have is still there. It's kind of like alcoholism, once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. The only the way to be sure you don't fail is to never touch the stuff again. Bread is my weakness.

Call me if you need moral support.

Kimberly said...

Sounds interesting. Are there 3 phases? How do you feel so far?

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