Friday, April 17, 2009

What Do These Things Have In Common?

This morning I logged into my email while enjoy some delicious Farina Cereal, which is to say, the cheap version of Cream of Wheat. What is farina anyways? In my email I had received a CNN Breaking News Alert. Ok, let's see what news happened while I slept.

Well folks, here is the breaking news:

CNN Breaking News

show details 12:19 AM (15 hours ago)
-- Ashton Kutcher is first to reach 1 million followers in Twitter contest with CNN.
Um... what?! Are you kidding me? Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a fan of Twitter and I follow what goes on in that sphere, but for CNN to email me this as "BREAKING NEWS" ....
Maybe we need to all remember what classifies as breaking news. You know what this reminds me of? Last night's 30 Rock and poor Kenneth who didn't know what actually classified as "important." Who thought CNN and Kenneth had anything in common besides the gay thing.

1 comment:

erica said...

you should have used the gay photo haha that was funny

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