Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm on summer break and it's snowing...

Classes are officially over and my summer holiday started with snow. It's a bleak outlook that's for sure. Despite the poor start I am determined to make it a good one. My summer plans are still undecided but I think I really deserve to have a memorable, wonderful summer. I will still be working but as for school... who knows. Classes start next Wednesday though so I'll have to be deciding soon.
Besides those two aspects of my life I have many things I'm looking forward to this summer: concerts, catching up on my reading list, going on trips, slurpees, seeing my brother graduate and leave for a mission, camping, hiking, more trips to Salt Lake, shopping, eating countless otter pops, finding a new place to live (that's kind of a love/hate), laying out and getting tan again, Karla's wedding, art shows, spending time with my family at the Oregon coast, the 4th of July, watermelon, and many more adventures I hope. I need a vacation and I'm going to give myself one.

1 comment:

Ju said...

Woohoo for family time at the Coast :o) Can't wait to see you Britt!!

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