Friday, March 6, 2009


Today I've felt a definite theme in the things the universe is bringing my way - creativity.

I watched this video profile on Holly Stewart. I find her hair and random placement of cats interesting, but I also found her words likeable.

"I don't go out and try to get inspired because that becomes too heavy and too weighty. All I simply need to do is to just be where the tools are and the dyes are, and things happen."

"I'm so on fire... and sometimes I feel like I'm just vibrating from the inside out. I just love what I'm doing."

Shortly after, I stumbled across this video taken from a talk by Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul."

So I don't know about you...
(Side note: I remember a junior high lunch where an English teacher walked around wearing a sandwich board stating, "Never start a sentence with 'so!'")
... but I'm ready for another renegade craft.


Ju said...

that was awesome!

mickelle said... TOOOOO. i love being creative. i like.

Unknown said...

So he's becoming one of my fav Apostles...

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