Dang it, in my perusing of the web this afternoon I have now found that the Freakonomics' blog thought posting a birthday poem for Charles Darwin would be cool. Hmm, wonder where they got that idea.
by Jonathan Rosen, author of The Life of the Skies: Birding at the End of Nature
(to the tune of Happy Birthday)
Happy Birthday Charlie
You come from the sea
You look like a monkey
And so do we.
Happy Birthday Charlie
We come from the sea
But what’s really odd:
We were also made by God.
You wanna play ball, Freakonomics? Bring it.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Everyone's A Poet Now, Eh?
Haikus For Your Birthday
Today is the 200th anniversary of both Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin, but also Chelsea's 23rd. In honor of all these celebrations I have penned (er... typed? - no i penned first) a few haikus in their honor.
Four score and sev'n years,
A speech I'll never forget
Your hat was the bomb
Didn't read your book
You said the strongest survive
I'm glad dinos died.
Happy birthday Chels!
You used to be my roommate
Now you are married
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
2008 Recap
34 days into the new year, and so much has happened. January's always kind of odd to me. You feel new beginnings all around you, but you also feel the oppression of a seemingly never-ending winter. I thought it would be appropriate to finally post my recap of 2008 to resurrect this long-lost blog o' mine.
Trips of 2008
1. February - Disneyland
2. May - Arkansas w/Mickelle for Tyler's graduation
3. June - Oregon for Bland family reunion
4. July - Arizona
5. August - Idaho w/Mom for Steven's wedding
6. August - Arizona
7. November - Las Vegas w/Mickelle for Thanksgiving
8. December - Ogden w/ family to see Grandma & Grandpa Bland & Becky
9. December - Sundance for Bushman family reunion
Books of 2008
1. Love In A Time of Cholera
2. Fablehaven
3. The Virgin Suicides
4. Stargirl
5. Love, Stargirl
6. The City of Ember
7. The People of Sparks
8. The Prophet of Yonwood
9. Why Men Love B******
10. Heal Your Body
11. Guns, Germs, and Steel
12. Life of Pi
13. The Phantom Tollbooth
14. It's Called a Breakup Because it's Broken
15. Good In Bed (not what you think...)
16. The Innocent Man
17. Glimpses Into The Life & Heart of Marjorie Pay Hinckley
18. Eclipse
19. Breaking Dawn
20. The Host
21. Believing Christ
22. Mars & Venus On A Date
My favorites that I read this year were Love In A Time of Cholera, Virgin Suicides, Stargirl, Guns, Germs, and Steel, Glimpses Into the Life..., and Believing Christ. I know that's like a quarter of the list, but each of those were great and I would reread. Oh wait! Also, Life of Pi. :p
I would recommend any of those. I didn't read as many books as I usually do, but I think I made smarter decisions in what I read because I found some new favorites. (And obviously, caught up on some teen fiction.)
Concerts 2008
1. Eisley w/Mickelle May 8th @ Avalon Theater in SLC
2. Rilo Kiley w/Mickelle May 21st @ The Slowdown in Omaha
3. Jack Johnson w/Cameron, Jason, and Shara August 18th @ Usana in West Valley
4. Rooney w/Jules & Courtney Sept 13th @ Spoon Me in Provo
5. The Mountain Goats w/Tyler, Meagan, Eric, Eliza, Ellen, & more Oct 18th @ In The Venue in SLC
Music of 2008
*Note: I won't explain this list too much, but it is not a list of my favorites of the year...
1. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular album
2. Rilo Kiley - Silver Living
3. The Weepies - Hideaway album
4. Lady Gaga - Just Dance
5. Journey - Don't Stop Believing
6. Brandi Carlile - The Story album
7. MIA - Paper Airplanes
8. Meiko - Boys With Girlfriends
9. Muse - Absolution album
Other Highlights
*Note: I should say, highlights that I'll mention in this blog. ;)
1. Getting in my first car accident in February, then again. (see post about 2nd incident)
2. Crystal coming to visit in April.
3. Tyler's graduation in May.
4. Dropping Tyler off at the MTC in August.
5. A wildly unplanned Halloween night.
6. Voted for the first time in November. (and tried to buy a vote, at least I got ice cream out of it)
7. Chelsea's wedding in November.
8. One year anniversary with SHC in November.
9. Semester of perfect attendance this fall.
10. First Jazz (/NBA) game in December