Friday, May 2, 2008

Rilo Kiley - Silver Lining

I've been loving this song this week. And even though this isn't really the message of the song I thought I would list a couple of silver linings in my life. It's been a very long week so I think I should take a moment to think of the good things.
-Sunny days
-Good music
-Tax refunds
-Long showers
-Wearing black
In other news, I have already fixed the fax machine at work, started Guns, Germs & Steel and Mickelle's buying the Eisley tickets tonight. That's somewhat of a good start.


4-Slyce said...

keep it up. it's good to think of good things.

Nate Nead said...

How's life? I hope all is going well. Where are you these days?


Ju said...

I'm just here to tell you that it's been way too long since you've posted!! :o) Hope all is going super fantastic! Can't wait to see you in... 15 days??!!

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